Analysis of Quran Education Problems in Majority Muslim Countries


  • Engkizar Engkizar Lecture Islamic Edcution Universitas Negeri padang, Indonesia & Student PhD UCYP University, Malaysia
  • Azhar Jaafar UCYP University, Malaysia
  • Debi Sarianto Al-Azhar University, Egypt
  • Nahid Ayad University of Zawia, Libiya
  • Achyar Rahman Al-Ahgaff University, Yemen
  • Afifah Febriani Senior Researcher International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center, Indonesia
  • Gifa Oktavia Senior Researcher International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center, Indonesia
  • Rosi Guspita Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
  • Ikhwan Rahman Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia



Quran teacher career, Quran teacher phenomenon, Quran education, Quran scholars


Quranic education is a crucial aspect of shaping the identity and values of Muslim societies. However, Muslim-majority countries face various challenges in providing high-quality Quranic education. This study aims to analyze the problems related to Quranic education in these countries. The research employed a qualitative method with a case study approach in several majority-Muslim countries. Data were collected through interviews with Quranic education experts, teachers, and students, as well as through document and literature analysis. All data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis technique with NVivo 12 software. The research findings indicate that the challenges in Quranic education include the absence of legislation governing the Quranic teaching profession, limited availability of qualified teachers, low competence in instructional management, the fact that not all Quran teachers possess a bachelor's degree in Quranic education, insufficient professional development due to a lack of continuous training, the profession's lack of appeal to Islamic scholars because it does not promise a future career, and inadequate teacher compensation. The findings underscore the importance of implementing systematic and strategic improvements to enhance the quality of Quranic education.



How to Cite

Engkizar, E., Jaafar, A., Sarianto, D., Ayad, N., Rahman, A., Febriani, A., Oktavia, G., Guspita, R., & Rahman, I. (2024). Analysis of Quran Education Problems in Majority Muslim Countries. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 3(1), 65–80.


